Sunday 13 July 2014

Fundraising ideas for Schools

Are you ready to raise funds for your school? TeamNut Fundraising puts the fun with our easy-to-use school fundraiser program. From elementary school students to college seniors, TeamNut Fundraising provides students of all ages with an opportunity to raise money for their school group or organization.

Fundraising ideas for schools that can help reach your fundraising goals and targets quickly. One of the newest and simplest ways for parents, teachers, families and the local community to raise money for their school is through TeamNut Fundraising.

You need a superior fundraising company to make it happen. With today's wide variety of programs, products and services available in fundraising, it's difficult to determine which company to use. TeamNut Fundraising is an entirely free service that allows people to shop directly at their favorite online store via the links on the website and raise a donation for their school cause once a purchase is made. Donations can be up to 40% of the value of your purchase, depending on the retailer and the item purchased. To begin raising donations for your school, sign up with TeamNut Fundraising and register your school or cause of choice, if it is not already listed.

Start shopping online with the retailers through the links on the TeamNut Fundraising website and watch your donations build up. Start earning donations now by registering for one of the easiest fundraising ideas for schools. TeamNut Fundraising fully loaded with a generous suite of fundraising tools that are both comprehensive and easy to use, making sharing your message simple. Our well-connected platform helps you maximize your impact on social media, gets you up and running on mobile devices, and increases your reach across the Web.

Good luck with your school fundraisers!

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